Video: Driverless Car

Posted by Unknown On Saturday, 2 June 2012 2 comments

"The problem is , we can't satisfy the drivers who are likes CRASH ACCIDENTS " sorry guys not any more. Wael A. Saad ... June 2012 :)

Driverless Cars are awesome, Car moves alone based  on your directions, and simply reacting with the different situations.

A technology known as Drive-by-Wire, also known as"X-by-Wire" or simply "by-wire" could change the way people drive. A car with this type of system would depends mainly on electronics to control a wide range of vehicle functions, including acceleration, braking and, steering. Conventional cars mainly use hydraulic and mechanical technology to perform these same basic vehicle operations, and although the systems are powerful, they can be overly complex, inefficient and conducive to wear and tear over the years.

Removing the mechanical linkages between the controls of a car and the devices that actually do the work Gives a wide space to a lot of applications to take a place at the same time. Drive by wire increase the car efficiency .  Now you can set back and use your car navigator to dive into the traffic driving you home, work, or any destination.
 Enjoy the day time while , your hands are free and your care picking you up to any destination.


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